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Lingobit Localizer Enterprise v9.0

인생은 다 그런거야 2022. 9. 30. 14:07
Lingobit Localizer Enterprise v9.0



Software Description:

Lingobit Localizer is a powerful localizationapplication that provides developers with an effective solution tofacilitate and streamline the software localization process andcommunication between developers, translators and testers.

Unique to Lingobit Localizer is its unified interface andproductivity tools, such as Automated QA, Validation Expert, Scanfor Changes, Translation Memory, Automatic Translation, etc.Software localization can be done in-house or delegated to anothercompany.


Lingobit Localizer enables developers to localize software byextracting localizable resources directly from MFC, Delphi or .NETexecutable files. This makes it possible to translate strings,dialogs, forms, menus, and other resources.

Furthermore, Lingobit Localizer support visual localization ofHTML, HTML Help (CHM), XML, INI, CPP, PHP, Java Script VB Scriptand other text-based files. Database localization is alsoavailable. The program is great to delegate translation tasks totranslators.


This is done via a self-extracting software localization kit, whichincludes a ‘lite’ edition of the Lingobit software for translatorsand a project file without the source-code. No technical skills arerequired to get started with a software localization task.


Software localization is incredibly easy with Lingobit’s WYSIWYGeditor and productivity tools, such as Quality Assurance tools thatincrease the quality of translation by automatically detectingerrors on early stages of software localization.

Among many other tools, there is Translation Memory, which enablesdevelopers to leverage their previous work. There is no need totranslate one and the same string several times because the toolallows reusing translations from other software localizationprojects.


Here are some key features of “Lingobit LocalizerEnterprise”:
Localization of Win32/MFC, .NET, Delphi executables andJava Property Files:
– Lingobit Localizer localization tool supports binary localizationof Win32/MFC, .NET and Delphi applications. That means that you donot need to change source code or recompile your application to gettranslated version.


Translation Re-use:
– When you release new version of your software, you need totranslate only new or changed content. Read more…


Automatic QA:
– Validation can check the spelling (over 80 languages) andautomatic recognize common translation problems like truncated oroverlapping text, incorrect allocation of shortcuts, acceleratorsand access keys and many other. Furthermore, Lingobit sofwarelocalization tool can automatically fix most of these errors.


Exchange Wizard:
– Exchange Wizard ensures effortless collaboration among managers,translators and QA team. Free Lingobit Translator edition radicallyreduces license fees and prevents translator from unintentionallychanging non-localizable or protected resources.


Visual Editor:
– Visual editor lets you see and edit dialogs and forms duringtranslation. Layout manager helps you adapt controls to fittranslated text.


Translation Memory:
– Translation memory means that you would never translate the samestring twice because you can reuse translations from otherlocalization projects. Translation Memory in Lingobit Localizersoftware localization tool is able to import from and export to TMXand CSV formats for easy exchange of information with otherapplications.


Pseudo-Translate & Crash Finder:
– Use Pseudo-Translate to check whether your application is readyfor localization. Crash Finder helps you to locate translationscausing errors.


Command-line interface:
– You can easily integrate Lingobit Localizer into your buildprocess using command line interface.

Build multilingual, monolingual or resource-only DLL files:
– Lingobit Localizer Software Localization Tool supports all commonmethods of localization.


All languages in a single translation project:
– You can have as many languages as you like in one project.Lingobit Localizer supports all languages supported by Windows,.NET and Java platforms.


Statuses, Reports, Statistics, Filters:

– Project reports and statistics help to estimate translation costand track localization progress. Statuses allow you to controltranslation state of each element.


Multilingual Rebranding:
– Mutlingual rebranding allows you to create several localizedbrands from your product.



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Lingobit Localizer - Software Localization Tool



